Taken from the windows project website goldenlane.site
crescent house
From where we are now to starting on site
Stage 1 of the tender process, Expression of Interest (EOI), has now closed and the Project Team are currently reviewing the returns. A shortlist of qualifying contractors from Stage 1 will proceed to Stage 2, the Invitation to Tender (ITT), and the Project Team anticipate completing evaluations of Stage 2 returns early November.
The final shortlist of at least two bids, along with estimated costs for the recoverable elements of the works, will be included in the statutory Section 20 Leaseholder consultation process.
At the end of the 35 day Section 20 consultation, a report on the outcome of the procurement exercise will be produced. This will then be presented to Children and Community Services (CCS) Committee recommending an award of contract.
The report must be available to members two weeks in advance of the meeting. The Project Team have earmarked the January 2025 Committee which means the report will need to be finalised before Christmas 2024. There is a recognition that this is a very tight schedule and the Project Team are working hard to avoid delays. However, should protracted clarifications with prospective contractors be required to provide the appropriate assurances over the robustness of submitted pricing then a short delay until the March Committee may be required.
City of London recoverable costs (recharges to leaseholders)
The Quantity Surveyor has provided the City of London Corporation Legal Department with a cost schedule for an opinion as to what elements are recoverable from Leaseholders. A report will then be presented to CCS Committee for approval.
Once the decision has been made on which elements are recoverable and the tender process complete the Project Manager will then present a schedule of those estimated costs to the Home Ownership team who will then deduct any abatements and apply each leaseholder’s dwelling % in order to arrive at the individual estimated costs for the Section 20 notice.
It is understood that this is a worrying time for Leaseholders, who are likely to want to obtain independent legal advice, and a designated meeting for Leaseholders will be held in Autumn with senior City Officers in attendance to answer questions (date tbc).
the wider estate
Phase two of the project to revitalise Golden Lane Estate takes in the Grade II listed buildings of Cullum Welch House, Stanley Cohen House and the Maisonette blocks (Basterfield House, Bayer House, Bowater House, Cuthbert Harrowing and Hatfield House).
An empty flat in each block type has provided an opportunity for the same Crescent House windows refurbishment team to work on all the different window types so as to inform strategy for the works. Frames have been refurbished, solutions for installing trickle vents are being explored, strategies developed as to how to reduce impact on residents when works take place, etc. Most of this exploratory work has been completed and the Project Team are now focusing on the ‘guillotine’ windows in the Maisonette blocks. The aim is to keep the vertical sliding operation and counterbalancing effect to allow the lower window to open easily.
The Project Team are working towards submitting planning applications in January 2025 and as part of that process will be holding a resident consultation event on 3 October in the Golden Lane Community Centre (an invitation will be sent to residents closer to the time).
Post the granting of planning permission, it is likely that Cullum Welch House will be the first to undergo refurbishment, followed by Stanley Cohen and then the Maisonette blocks. The works will be staggered, not sequential, and the Project Team are also looking at the feasibility of undertaking roof works separately from the windows refurbishment, potentially speeding up that element of the programme.