Posted inCoL CONSULTATION MAJOR WORKS SHARED SPACES lighting + signage Earlier this year the CoL successfully bid for funding to improve aspects of the public realm on GLE including external signage and external lighting across the estate. 30/08/2024Posted inCoL, CONSULTATION, MAJOR WORKS, SHARED SPACES
Posted inCOMMUNITY POLICING GLERA SHARED SPACES ASB update At February 2023 GLERA residents' meeting, we report back on efforts to make headway on concerns around ASB. 03/02/2023Posted inCOMMUNITY POLICING, GLERA, SHARED SPACES
Posted inCONSULTATION GLERA SHARED SPACES our open spaces Community Conversation to discuss the contradictory private status but public nature of our estate and the resulting implications. 14/08/2019Posted inCONSULTATION, GLERA, SHARED SPACES