election hustings

Golden Lane Community Centre London

Local elections will be held on 20 March. Come along to the GLERA hustings and meet the candidates.

election hustings

St Giles Church, Barbican

Local elections will be held on 20 March. Come along to the Barbican Association hustings and meet the candidates.

estate office drop in

Golden Lane Community Centre London

Estate walkabout and drop-ins are your opportunity to speak to your estate team to ask any questions or offer any suggestions to improve life on your estate. All residents are welcome.

cripplegate ward surgery

Barbican Library Silk Street, London

Meet your Cripplegate representatives to talk about matters that affect you, obtain information and advice, make a complaint or enquire about council services.

GLERA committee meeting

Sir Ralph Perring Centre Golden Lane Estate

If you are a Golden Lane Estate resident and would like to attend a GLERA committee meeting please contact secretary.glera@gmail.com

GLERA committee meeting

Sir Ralph Perring Centre Golden Lane Estate

If you are a Golden Lane Estate resident and would like to attend a GLERA committee meeting please contact secretary.glera@gmail.com

estate walkabout

Estate Office Golden Lane Estate, London

Residents are invited to join estate staff on a walk around the estate where any areas of concern can be pointed out and discussed. 

estate office drop in

Golden Lane Community Centre London

Drop-ins are your opportunity to speak to your estate team to ask any questions or offer any suggestions to improve life on your estate. All residents are welcome.

estate walkabout

Estate Office Golden Lane Estate, London

Residents are invited to join estate staff on a walk around the estate where any areas of concern can be pointed out and discussed. 

estate office drop in

Golden Lane Community Centre London

Drop-ins are your opportunity to speak to your estate team to ask any questions or offer any suggestions to improve life on your estate. All residents are welcome.

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