GLERA committee meeting

Golden Lane Community Centre London

GLERA committee meeting. GLE residents are welcome to attend.

cripplegate ward surgery

Sir Ralph Perring Centre Golden Lane Estate

Meet your Cripplegate representatives to talk about matters that affect you, obtain information and advice, make a complaint or enquire about council services.

festive wreath making

Sir Ralph Perring Centre Golden Lane Estate

Come along to create your own festive wreath, bird feeder and nature decorations.

cripplegate ward surgery

Barbican Library Silk Street, London

Meet your Cripplegate representatives to talk about matters that affect you, obtain information and advice, make a complaint or enquire about council services.

cripplegate ward surgery

Sir Ralph Perring Centre Golden Lane Estate

Meet your Cripplegate representatives to talk about matters that affect you, obtain information and advice, make a complaint or enquire about council services.

cripplegate ward surgery

Barbican Library Silk Street, London

Meet your Cripplegate representatives to talk about matters that affect you, obtain information and advice, make a complaint or enquire about council services.

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