Repairs and Maintenance Contract
Following our last update, a new general repairs and maintenance contract has been out to tender with a deadline for submissions on 26 July. We have now completed the first stage evaluation.
Thirteen submissions were received from different contractors. Seven contractors have given confidence in the ability to deliver the new contract and have been taken forward to the second stage. The second stage tender has now been released with a tender return date of 25 September, following which tender evaluation will be completed.
We have technical and operational staff and consultants evaluating different areas of the final stage, as well as residents from three different Housing Estates. This will ensure a clear and fair consensus is reached when evaluating submissions.
We anticipate sharing the outcome of the final evaluation in late October and remain on-track to mobilise a new contract for April 2025.
@Home newsletter September
NOTE: GLERA have been invited to be part of the final evaluation process.
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