Posted inCoL CONSULTATION tenant handbook consultation Help ensure the new Tenants Handbook is designed to meet the needs of tenants and provides clear, accessible information. 04/02/2025Posted inCoL, CONSULTATION
Posted inCONSULTATION barbican renewal phase 1 The Barbican Centre is inviting you to have your say on design proposals for the Centre’s Foyers, Lakeside and Conservatory. Closes 17 February. 31/01/2025Posted inCONSULTATION
Posted inCoL CONSULTATION SURVEY the future of golden lane leisure centre A survey to help shape future of Golden Lane Leisure Centre which is set to undergo a major refurbishment. Closes 20 March. 31/01/2025Posted inCoL, CONSULTATION, SURVEY
Posted inCoL GLERA MAJOR WORKS WINDOWS major works committee report Housing Major Works Programme progress report presented to Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee January 2025. 31/01/2025Posted inCoL, GLERA, MAJOR WORKS, WINDOWS
Posted inCoL GLERA MAJOR WORKS WINDOWS CoL update on windows refurbishment project An update from CoL on the windows refurbishment project delivered to residents 24 January 2025. 30/01/2025Posted inCoL, GLERA, MAJOR WORKS, WINDOWS
Posted inGLERA GLERA residents’ meeting All residents welcome! Updates from the GLERA committee, a chance to help plan a resident 'audit' of the estate, plus a possible summer project for younger residents. 29/01/2025Posted inGLERA