pet policy consultation update

You will shortly receive information pack and survey through your door, please expect to receive this during the final week of August.

The City of London Housing Division has asked Acuity to carry out an independent survey of residents as part of their Pets Policy consultation. 

Following the consultation workshops, two key recommendations that came out were to use a fair and independent ballot process, and that as much information be provided to residents before taking part.

Within the pack provided you will find a booklet containing all information relating to the potential future pets policy (available to view online here), along with the survey to cast your vote. Please use the enclosed FREEPOST envelope to return your completed survey. 

If you would prefer to fill it in online your cover letter will include the link to do so. There will also be a phone number for anyone who wishes to complete the survey over the phone. 

Please check our Pets Policy Consultation webpage for updates and information on what work has been done so far.

City of London Housing Division