CoL alfresco dining policy

From City of London website

The Pavement Licensing Policy is undergoing review, with the aim of providing safe, secure, and dynamic locations that attract businesses and people to the City; whilst providing accessible, inclusive and comfortable spaces for pedestrians or those with disabilities, and ensuring that no noise nuisance effects people living or working in the area. Alfresco Dining is regulated through the issuance of Pavement Licences.

The revised Policy is expected to be adopted and published in November to align with the City of London Corporation’s Destination City Programme and Corporate Plan 2024-2029.

What is Pavement Licensing?
A Pavement Licence allows a business, or person, to install an alfresco seating area for the consumption of food or drink directly adjacent to their business premises. Businesses eligible to apply for a Pavement Licence must be either a drinking establishment (such as a Pub, Wine bar, etc.) or a business that sells food or drink for consumption either on or off the premises (such as a coffee shop, restaurant, snack shop, etc).

Have your say
You can view the policy and make comment or objection here: 
City of London Alfresco Dining Policy 2024-2029

Please leave any comments or objection by the 13 September 2024.