At the Court of Alders meeting on 14 May 2024 the Town Clerk read out Sue Pearson’s formal ‘letter of surrender of office’:
I am writing to surrender my office as Alder for the Ward of Cripplegate, as I will shortly reach the mandatory retirement age.
It has been a privilege for me to have served the people of my ward for the past seven years, first as a Councillor and then as an Alder.
I urge members to remember that the service industries in the City that make our country rich are served by service industries made up of many of our resident electorate. I have fought for funding to provide decent homes for our social estates that have been so shamefully neglected for decades, and have spoken out against every unsuitable office development that would cause harm to people’s lives, the environment and our heritage.
I am proud to be associated with the long overdue repeal of section 618 of the Housing Act 1985 which after years of gagging has allowed our resident councillors to vote on housing matters.I encourage my successor, and all Alders, to work for decency and fairness within the City of London Corporation, rejecting misogyny, bullying, prejudice and pettiness, governing with openness and accountability, not stopping debate by abusing standing orders and not smearing members who disagree.
Alderwoman Susan Pearson
Watch at 6:55
If contested the election for our new Alderperson will take place on Thursday 4 July.
The Cripplegate Wardmote when we can hear from candidates will be on Wednesday 3 July @ 7pm in St Giles Church, Barbican.
If the election is contested (more than one candidate) GLERA and the Barbican will also organise hustings. Check the events page for dates