The City of London Corporation is shortly going to tender a new contract for repairs and maintenance of our estate.
The form of the contract has been decided and leaseholders should have received Section 20 notices – there are two, one for general repairs and maintenance, the other for balcony and roof waterproofing works (read more here).
As part of the consultation process GLERA was invited to join the Repairs and Maintenance Resident Working Group and we have been attending monthly meetings since the beginning of the year. We are now being asked to feedback on the content of the tender documents, the types of questions, weightings etc.
We’ve been asked to do this by 28 May. If you would like to discuss please come along to the GLERA meeting on Wednesday 22 May or please email any comments to
You can read the draft tender questions here.
There are also some contract specifics to be considered:
Social Value
15% of the tender scoring goes to responsible procurement, of which a key component is social value.
We cannot directly specify what social value tendering contractors should provide, but we can provide feedback from residents to influence their proposals.
Key examples include:
- Use of local labour
- Use of local suppliers
- Recruitment opportunities
- Supporting tradeswomen in construction
- Apprenticeship schemes
- Training opportunities and skills development
- Paid employment for people who face barriers to employment
- Work placements and volunteering
- Paid employment and work experience for people with disabilities
- Charitable work and donations
- Community involvement
- Carbon and waste reduction
- Promoting equality and opportunity
- Sustainable practices
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
KPIs will be used to set targets for the contractor’s service delivery and to monitor the contractor’s performance.
For each performance indicator, there will be consideration for the penalties and incentives for the contractor not achieving the KPI targets.
For context, the social housing regulator requires the following KPIs to be measured:
- RP01: Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard, measured by landlords directly
- RP02: Repairs completed within target timescale, measured by landlords directly
- TP02: Satisfaction with repairs, measured by doing tenant perception surveys
- TP03: Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair, measured by doing tenant perception surveys
- TP04: Satisfaction that the home is well maintained, measured by doing tenant perception surveys
However, we’d like to know what further KPIs residents would like to see for two purposes, 1) for operational purposes and 2) for public reporting, examples include:
City of London, Resident Working Group
- Average length of time for a repair (excluding capital replacements)
- Percentage of jobs appointed
- Percentage of appointments made and kept
- Percentage of emergency jobs attended to within time
- Percentage of emergency jobs completed within time
- Percentage of urgent jobs completed within time
- Percentage of routine jobs completed within time
- Percentage of jobs completed right first time
- Percentage of post inspections undertaken (CoL Staff)
- Percentage of past inspections that passed
- Average number of repairs per property
- Average cost of a repair
- Price per property
- Customer satisfaction scores with new properties (Voids)
- Voids completed in time
- Average void turnaround time
- Average void cost
- H&S inspections undertaken
- Percentage pass rate of H&S inspections
- Number of H&S near misses
- Number of H&S incidents
- Number of RIDDOR reportable incidents