Consultation period: 18 April to 31 May
City Plan 2040 is the City Corporation’s vision for how the Square Mile will develop up to 2040. It contains a suite of policies to guide development in the City, ensuring growth is economically, environmentally and socially sustainable.
The City Corporation formally approved the local plan for the Square Mile, known as ‘City Plan 2040’, last month. The decision means that the finalised plan will now be published for public consultation, before submission and examination by an independent planning inspector later this year.
The plan will:
- Power a growing, vibrant and competitive economy, with over 1.2m sqm of additional office floorspace delivered by 2040;
- Transform the Square Mile into a 7-day-a-week cultural and leisure destination for everyone;
- Ensure the City is a highly sustainable place to do business, with a net zero Square Mile by 2040;
- Create an inclusive, accessible and healthy Square Mile where everyone feels welcome; and
- Celebrate local heritage while re-shaping those parts of the City that have the most potential for growth and regeneration.
There are different ‘chapters’ which you can comment on (you don’t have to do them all!):
- Chapter 1 | Strategic Priorities
- Chapter 2 | Spatial Strategy
- Chapter 3 | Health, Inclusion + Safety
- Chapter 4 | Housing
- Chapter 5 | Offices
- Chapter 6 | Retail
- Chapter 7 | Culture + Visitors
- Chapter 8 | Infrastructure
- Chapter 9 | Design
- Chapter 10 | Transport
- Chapter 11 | Heritage + Tall Buildings
- Chapter 12 | Open Spaces + Green Infrastructure
- Chapter 13 | Climate Resilience
- Chapter 14 | The Temple, The Thames Policy Area and The Key Areas of Change
- Chapter 15 | Implementation
The CONTENTS link below is useful for finding which policy you would like to respond to. For example if you’re interested in the policy around Noise you will find that in Chapter 3 Health, Inclusion & Safety, and in the same chapter Dispersal Routes (how people leave bars and clubs etc). There’s more about night time economies in Chapter 7 Culture & Visitors. There’s also a Strategic Policy for Smithfield and Barbican in Chapter 14.
consultation events
City Plan 2040 Launch
18 April 3.00 – 4.00 pm @ The London Centre, 3 Aldermanbury | in-person
City Plan 2040: Economic Growth (City workers focused event)
29 April 2.00 – 3.30 pm @ Storey Club, 100 Liverpool Street | in-person
City Plan 2040 (resident focused event)
1 May 10.30 – 12 pm @ The City Wall at Vine Street, Jewry Street | in-person
City Plan 2040 (resident focused event)
7 May 4.00 – 5.30 pm | online
City Plan 2040: Heritage
7 May 10 – 12 pm @ All Hallows by the Tower, Byward Street | in-person
bit of background…
Why is the City Corporation preparing a City Plan?
The City of London Local Plan was adopted in January 2015 and plans for development requirements up to 2016. It is important that the City’s planning framework remains responsive and flexible to address changing circumstances, whilst providing a clear vision for how a future City should develop.
The stages of preparing the City Plan
- The first stage of the process was the Issues and Options stage in 2016, during which consultation took place on the key planning issues facing the City and on the potential options that should be considered in a new local plan to address them.
- The second stage, the draft City Plan 2036, was a consultation on a full draft local plan during later 2018 and early 2019.
- Responses from these two consultations, along with evidence, informed a proposed submission version of the City Plan 2036, which was consulted on between March and May 2021. As a result of comments made during this consultation, the City Corporation decided to undertake further technical work and evidence to address consultation responses and changing economic, social and environmental trends.
- Informal public engagement on key issues and the Key areas of Change was undertaken during the summer of 2023.
- The City Corporation has used this technical work, public engagement and updated evidence to prepare the City Plan 2040, which is a revised submission version. The timeframe for the new City Plan has been amended to ensure a 15 year timeframe for the plan.
Next Steps
Following consultation on the City Plan 2040, it will be submitted to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. The Secretary of State will then appoint an independent Planning Inspector to examine the submitted Plan, which is expected to be adopted in2025.
from Appendices, draft City Plan 2040