major works committee report

On Monday 13 January 2025 a progress report on the Housing Major Works Programme was presented to the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee. The report covers Major Works projects across the Corporation social housing portfolio.


Phase 1 – Crescent House

  • A two-stage tender process was initially considered the most appropriate route to market for a project of this complexity. Stage 1 ended on 13 August and was followed by a thoroughly in-depth evaluation process. Of the 7 tenderers which expressed initial interest, 5 were provisionally selected to proceed to the second stage.
  • Some concerns regarding the proposed bespoke form of contract resulted in a Legal review and a change from Measured Term to a Standard Building Contract with Approximate Quantities.
  • Crescent House has now been included as part of a Higher Risk building (HRB) registration, covering Hatfield House and Cullum Welch.
  • Further to a review of the scope and meetings with residents, there is now active consideration of additional works, including fire safety, electrical compliance, communal decorations and external fabric repairs. Subject to detailed surveys and design development, an updated cost plan should be available by early August 2025.
  • Consequently, the two-stage tender has been withdrawn and will be replaced with a single-stage tender, once the revised scope has been fully incorporated and the statutory approvals process has been completed. The 7 original tenderers have all been notified of the decision to withdraw the tender and will be provided with a further update in April 2025.
  • Estimated project cost is £13m: decant costs have not been factored into this figure and the expansion of the scope is expected to result in an Issues Report, which will request approval for additional funding.
  • Legal advice on leaseholder recovery has been sought and remains pending. This information is critical for the Stage 2 S20 consultation.

Phase 2 – Wider Golden Lane Estate

  • Of the remaining blocks on the estate, Bowater, Bayer, Stanley Cohen and Basterfield are all similarly affected in terms of HRB status and are currently being registered with the Building Safety Regulator (BSR).
  • Design work and testing is continuing for the blocks of the Wider Estate; planning applications will be ready for submission in January 2025 as intended, but will now be staggered in line with plans for a revised scope (mirroring Crescent House) and once the programme for the entire estate has been fully developed.
  • Estimated cost of phase 2 is £17m but this will need to be reviewed in due course.
  • Window repair works (frames only) have been completed in three vacant flats (which served as temporary pilot properties) and these have now been returned to allocations. Exploratory work is continuing in one of the Bayer House maisonettes, which will be used as a two-bedroom temporary accommodation flat whilst the contract works are being undertaken in Crescent House.

– From 13 January 2025 ‘Housing Major Works Programme – Progress Report’

GLERA action

The statutory deadline for registering Higher-Risk Buildings (HRB) with the Building Safety Register was 1 October 2023. As such, GLERA have grave concerns about the Corporation’s failure to comply and will be meeting with the Corporation to discuss their plans for mitigation measures and financial support in light of the impact of the subsequent delays on the wellbeing and finances of residents, particularly those in Crescent House. GLERA have also asked for a clear breakdown of abortive costs; leaseholders cannot be expected to fund Corporation incompetence and negligence.

Note: Great Arthur House can be found on the HRB public register with postcode EC1Y 0RD:


29 JANUARY Crescent House works delayed
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