On 28 November 2024 a progress report on the Housing Major Works Programme was presented to the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee. The report covers Major Works projects across the Corporation social housing portfolio.
Phase 1 – Crescent House
A two-stage tender process was considered the most appropriate route to market for
a project of this complexity and is currently underway. Stage 1 ended on 13 August
and has been followed by a thoroughly in-depth evaluation process. The project team
has proceeded with due care, given the importance of selecting the right profile of
contractor. Of the 7 tenderers which expressed initial interest, 5 have been
provisionally selected to proceed to the second stage. The form of proposed contract
is currently under review by Legal, with the project team opting to revert to an industry
standard form of contract rather than the Corporation’s bespoke documentation, due
to the complexity of the delivery programme. Legal opinion has also been sought in
relation to recoverability of costs, with specific reference to large-scale decanting and
the prospect of converting leasehold flats from gas to electric heating. This information
is critical for the Stage 2 (Notice of Estimate) S20 consultation.Phase 2 – Wider Estate
Design work and testing is continuing for the blocks of the Wider Estate; planning
applications are expected to be submitted in January 2025. A consultation event for
residents was held 3 October and was positively received. Window repair works
(frames only) have been completed in three vacant flats (which served as temporary
pilot properties) and these have now been returned to allocations. Exploratory work is
continuing in one of the Bayer House maisonettes, which will be used as a two-
bedroom temporary accommodation flat whilst the contract works are being
undertaken in Crescent House.– From 28 November 2024 ‘Housing Major Works Programme – Progress Report’