Latest update from Barbican Quarter Action

The City of London’s plans to demolish Bastion House and The Museum of London have now been submitted. See the LWW websitefor more details and visit our own website, which has now been updated to give you more information about the scheme, as well as giving you the grounds for our objections.
The scheme is driven by the City’s stated desire to extract maximum cash from the site. Two important and distinguished buildings will be raised to the ground and two massive office towers will replace them. The proposed new Bastion House is more than two and a half times the volume of the existing building, whilst the new tower block on the MoL site will obliterate the roundabout and block views from Aldersgate Street towards St Paul’s.
Demolition and new build will unleash tens of thousands of tonnes of embedded carbon and could take a full ten years to complete.
The net zero target, the City’s own heavily promoted climate goals and their much-vaunted move towards refurbishment over demolition have been ignored by these plans.
Together, and with enough support, we can defeat this application. We need to set an important precedent – not just for the Barbican Estate and the surrounding area – but for the whole of London and the future of our environment.
Our message to the City: Do not demolish these fine buildings. Adapt and re-purpose them.
Help financially. To defeat this application we urgently need counsel from planning experts and lawyers, alongside carbon, environmental and light deprivation consultants. We know the City will do its best to ignore local residents and the wider community, so we need hard evidence and professional support. Please contribute if you can. Our initial target is £30,000. Click on the link below to find out how to donate to our crowd-funder
Tell the City what you think. The deadline for comments and objections on the scheme is January 31st. For advice on how to object and the grounds which will carry most weight, click on the link below
If you are a local resident, there will be a residents’ Town Hall meeting organised by the Barbican Association (BA) and the Barbican Residents’ Consultation Committee (BRCC) at St Giles Church on Wednesday 10 January at 7.30pm. BQA will have a stand and we will be on hand to answer any of your questions afterwards. Please come if you can and please involve as many other residents as you can. Every objection and every donation matters.
We shall be issuing further advice and running workshops in January on how to object.
In the meantime we wish everyone a Happy New Year and we look forward to the year ahead and winning this crucial fight with the City.
Our environment, our status as citizens and the ability to make our voices heard, both now and in the future, are all at stake here.