31 October 2022 @ 7.00 – 9.00 pm | Golden Lane Community Centre
committee for 2022/23
As the AGM in the summer was not quorate, we weren’t able to fully vote in the committee. Since then we have collected signatures from well over the required 40 households, and so now have a recognised committee:
Tim Godsmark continues as Chair
Gaby Robertshaw joins as Deputy Chair
Vernon Ashford continues as Treasurer
Jacqueline Swanson is Secretary
David Cox continues his long service and we’re also grateful to Paul Lincoln and Tracy Batten for joining the committee.
Tonight we’re going to report back on committee efforts to follow up on comments from the AGM around repairs reporting and anti-social behaviour. We’re also going to update on Saturday’s Imagine Workshop about how to insulate our homes and the City’s initiatives to help.
Also, a big thank you to our local MP Nickie Aiken who is with us this evening to find out how she can support our efforts.
agenda items
Alderwoman Sue Pearson will talk about what’s on offer, costs, resident involvement and next steps.
Paul Lincoln will report back on the Imagine Workshop, further curtains research and update on Imagine initiatives.
Gaby Robertshaw, who is on the Crescent House Resident Liaison Group will update us on latest news
in the summer Jacqueline Swanson accompanied Cllrs Marianne Fredericks and Tim McNally, Chair and Deputy Chair of the Housing Management committee on a walkabout the estate. The frustration expressed at the AGM about repairs reporting was discussed. Marianne is keen to get the process streamlined, both for the obvious benefit of residents but also the staff that have to implement it, who are on the front line. She will update us on progress.
Tracy Batten will update on the efforts to make progress in getting incidents of ASB coming onto the estate taken seriously. This has include a week long diary taking by over half the residents of Cuthbert Harrowing to produce solid data with breadth and depth, plus meeting with the Estate Office.
GLERA is the formally recognised entity representing residents – are there any meetings about particular issues that residents would like GLERA to try put in place with the City?