On 3 June 2024 a progress report on the Housing Major Works Programme was presented to the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee. The report covers Major Works projects across the Corporation social housing portfolio.
H40a – Window Refurbishment, Roofing, Ventilation and Heating (Crescent House)
Listed Building Consent and Planning application for the whole block has now been approved. Tender documents are being finalised ahead of publication of stage 1 of the tender which will be advertised in late June/early July. Once the pricing document is ready it will be presented for legal opinion in terms of recoverability of costs as well as considering issues such as status of decanting costs and costs relating to converting leasehold flats to electric heating.
H40b,c,d,e – Window Refurbishment, Roofing, Ventilation and Heating (Golden Lane Estate – Remaining Blocks)
Much of the design work for Stanley Cohen and Cullum Welch is now complete but awaits some final pieces of work to be completed such as structural surveys and embodied carbon assessments. Additional budget to support his work and to refurbish void flats ready for decanting was approved at the last Community & Children’s Services Committee. Once the funds have been made available on the City’s financial systems the relevant consultants and contractors can be instructed to progress this piece of work.
– From 3 June 2024 ‘Housing Major Works Programme – Progress Report’
The Committee received a report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services in respect of the major works programme.
The Assistant Director for Housing advised that the format of the appendix to the report would be reviewed, with the current Interim and new Heads of Service, to make it less complex, noting that Members would prefer a high level summary. Members noted that further enhancements would also align with the Asset Management Strategy and reflect how Members would like to receive the information.
RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.