barbican cluster panel

Sir Ralph Perring Centre Golden Lane Estate

Any one who lives or works in the Barbican Cluster is invited to attend the panel meeting. You can meet the dedicated ward officer team and other members of the community.

GLERA committee meeting

Golden Lane Community Centre London

If you are a Golden Lane Estate resident and would like to attend a GLERA committee meeting please contact

cripplegate ward surgery

Sir Ralph Perring Centre Golden Lane Estate

Meet your Cripplegate representatives to talk about matters that affect you, obtain information and advice, make a complaint or enquire about council services.

festive wreath making

Sir Ralph Perring Centre Golden Lane Estate

Come along to create your own festive wreath, bird feeder and nature decorations.

cripplegate ward surgery

Barbican Library Silk Street, London

Meet your Cripplegate representatives to talk about matters that affect you, obtain information and advice, make a complaint or enquire about council services.

GLERA committee meeting

Sir Ralph Perring Centre Golden Lane Estate

If you are a Golden Lane Estate resident and would like to attend a GLERA committee meeting please contact

give + take day | tech take back

St Giles Church, Barbican

Give and Take Days are a simple way for you to give away items you no longer need, and take items you do need, all for FREE!

london museum studios open community session

Studio Smithfield 1 East Poultry Avenue, London

London Museum is opening a new Creative Community Space in Spring 2025 for everyone who works, lives or studies n the City of London or Islington to use and enjoy.

london museum studios open community session

Studio Smithfield 1 East Poultry Avenue, London

London Museum is opening a new Creative Community Space in Spring 2025 for everyone who works, lives or studies n the City of London or Islington to use and enjoy.

cripplegate ward surgery

Sir Ralph Perring Centre Golden Lane Estate

Meet your Cripplegate representatives to talk about matters that affect you, obtain information and advice, make a complaint or enquire about council services.

city question time

Barbican Centre Silk Street, London

Come along and ask your questions to the Policy Chairman Chris Hayward and other Senior Members on issues that affect you as a City of London resident. Discover the City of London Corporation’s future plans, discuss local issues such as community safety, and connect with your neighbours.

GLERA residents’ meeting

Golden Lane Community Centre London

All residents welcome! Updates from the GLERA committee, a chance to help plan a resident 'audit' of the estate, plus a possible summer project for younger residents.

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