27 JUNE Reminder! This Sunday Morning GLERA AGM + Update On ‘Mini Forest’… the Fann Street greening enhancements
7 JUNE Open Gardens this weekend! Our allotments and the Barbican Wildlife Garden
6 JUNE TONIGHT! General Election Hustings 7 pm Community Centre all GLE residents welcome
2 JUNE General Election Hustings Thursday 6 June 7 pm downstairs in the Community Centre
19 MAY GLERA meeting this Wednesday | City Plan 2040 + Repairs Contract update 6.30 pm at the Sir Ralph Perring Centre
25 APRIL GLERA, Imagine and Councillor meeting dates get them in your diary!
18 FEBRUARY GLERA residents’ meeting, Ward Mote, Destination City… last chance to complete Repairs Survey
13 DECEMBER Golden Lane Festive Singalong this Saturday! everyone invited!!
21 NOVEMBER Craft Market / Festive Get Together / City Question Time… yep, it’s that time of the year again…
15 OCTOBER Hustings, Imagine, Destination City, Community Funds… busy few weeks ahead…
27 AUGUST Barbican summer party, Ward meetings… plus some greening projects
9 AUGUST Important message from our Alderwoman Deputy Mark Bostock retires
16 JUNE GLERA AGM on Saturday @ 2.30 pm! Everyone Welcome!!
22 MAY Some important dates – quite a few of them fun…
6 APRIL Latest goings on, stuff to look forward to…
16 FEBRUARY GLE news: ASB police review | GLERA update | IMAGINE | By-election… Bike Project update this Saturday!
22 JANUARY GLE news: some fun stuff, some serious stuff
15 JANUARY GLERA news: next general meeting | mould survey | Ward meeting… and other useful info
11 DECEMBER Carols on Golden Lane, GLERA update on ASB plus other useful stuff… City help with cost of living, January recycling dates
19 NOVEMBER Christmas festivities | winter measures help | resident satisfaction survey… and more…
28 OCTOBER GLERA General Meeting Monday 31 Oct | Insulation Workshop Saturday 29 Oct Everyone welcome!!
14 OCTOBER GLE: key dates and other news GLERA meeting | Imagine | Estate Drop-In + Walkabout | Barbican Cluster…
29 AUGUST Open House | Aldermanic hustings | auction for Ukraine | invitation to Barbican party
20 AUGUST Aldermanic Elections – come to the Hustings on Thursday 25 August 7.30 pm in the Community Centre
3 JULY Latest news and reminders
11 JUNE GLE Residents Association AGM Saturday 18 June @ 2pm all residents welcome!
28 MAY Important dates, and other news plus fab photos from May Day
7 MAY TODAY!! May Day Celebrations on Golden Lane loads of good stuff going on!
2 MAY Sat 7 May | May Day Celebrations on Golden Lane loads of good stuff going on!
26 APRIL May Day Celebrations I Bike Project | Update from Councillors | 1 Golden Lane… plus reminder for Imagine Fund
1 APRIL Cycle provision | Water rates rebate | Election results and more…
26 JANUARY Residents standing in local elections | tenants due a water charge refund drop in meeting on Friday for water refund advice
19 NOVEMBER Step into Christmas with Golden Lane Christmas markets, singing, saving the planet….
25 OCTOBER Golden Lane gets busy – dates for your diary Halloween, Christmas and lots in between
14 OCTOBER Golden Lane: thinking global, acting local workshop this Saturday
25 AUGUST Summer Picnic with music this Saturday on Basterfield lawn!
17 AUGUST Summer Picnic, community meet up this Saturday and other news
15 JUNE Help GLE go green, our Summer Picnic and other news
26 APRIL Taking on the Corporation – update COLPAI, Planning Reform, Great Arthur House
27 MARCH URGENT – help protect Hatfield from COLPAI’s dangerous rubbish collection plans Monday deadline for objections
16 MARCH Your chance to influence local sports and leisure provision
8 MARCH Demand Democracy in the City’s Planning Process petition for planning reform
4 MARCH Parklet on Golden Lane – co-design workshops next week everyone welcome to sign up
22 FEBRUARY Parklet on Golden Lane – get involved! survey and co-design workshops
19 DECEMBER Sing Out Golden Lane – community sing along 3pm Sunday JOIN IN!!!
27 NOVEMBER City Wide Residents’ meeting, Food Bank news, Sing Out and more
13 OCTOBER October: GLERA General Meeting, Window Survey and other news from our resident association
22 AUGUST Bike Parking on GLE + CoL Climate Action Strategy survey
5 JULY Culture Mile call out to local creatives plus Play Packs and Radio Local update
25 JUNE TONIGHT! Golden Lane Estate Residents’ Association AGM register now
14 JUNE Golden Lane Estate Residents’ Association AGM all residents invited
27 MARCH Support the Square Mile Food Bank a message from Age UK
24 MARCH Covid 19 – Golden Lane Estate rallies round how you can help or be helped
11 SEPTEMBER | September Update Open Spaces, repairs and maintenance, cleaning survey…
4 JULY | Some July must sees, must dos
2 JUNE | GLERA – important dates for June
10 APRIL | We’re not getting the representation we’re entitled to sign the petition
21 DECEMBER | URGENT – plans for mobile phone masts on GLE how to object
How to object to proposed plans to put a telecomms station and mobile phone mast on Bowater House; COLPAI update: application to discharge condition 5 (removal of trees bordering allotment) now postponed to end of January for a full planning committee decision; details of Social Christmas at Community Centre.
26 NOVEMBER Golden Lane Estate update
14 SEPTEMBER Community Centre Takeover for Open House London September 22 and 23
Resident plans to open up community centre for Open house London on 22+23 September. Call for volunteers who want to get involved or help out with this event and other activities at the newly opened community centre.
7 JULY It’s been a good week and we’re not just talking World Cup
Positive update on WE NEED OUR TREES campaign; FANS of Golden Lane reach their funding target, report back from Islington Full Council meeting; reminder of Community Centre launch party on Sat 14; reminder of Whitecross Street party on Sun 15 with opportunity to volunteer; activities for young people at St Luke’s; City survey re Saturday construction work.
23 JUNE Golden Lane – our weekend to do list
Things to do: Donate to FANS of Golden Lane Crowd Justice page; sign the WE NEED OUR TREES! petition; write to Children’s Services to request summertime provision for children on the estate; link to comment on City of London plans to relocate Estate Office; link to comment on City of London plans to develop ground floor of Great Arthur House; participate in survey re Saturday construction work; reminder of Bernard Morgan House construction group meeting; reminder of GLERA annual general meeting.
9 JUNE The Golden Gates are Open for Garden Squares Weekend
Reminder and opening times for Open Garden Squares Weekend at the allotments; link to article on Baggers in City Matters; link to WE NEED OUR TREES! petition; preview on plans for Open House in September – call to get involved; resident Paul Lincoln giving talk featuring Golden Lane Estate at City Centre.
23 MAY Golden Lane Estate – Some Important Housekeeping please do read
14 MAY Golden Lane Estate – our Big Garden enjoy it, protect it
Estate office are tackling access issues to our shared open spaces; update on allotments – new members, becoming a Friend; trees brodering the allotment at risk form COLPAI development plans – sign petition; Baggers away day to Turn End home and garden, link to blog; Meet Your Neighbour – Buffy, invite to her exhibition; gardening events to look forward to.
15 APRIL Golden Lane – some good news, some bad news some fun stuff and an outing
Quick round up; intro to new Estate Manager; update on CoLPAI, link to GLERA proposed conditions; Bernard Morgan House update – construction traffic route, marketing suite planning permission info; first ‘Meet your Neighbour’ featuring Billy Mann; reminder of Golden Baggers May Bank outing to Turn End; Growing Connections, activities and call for volunteers.
22 MARCH CoLPAI – City Planners meet this Monday, 26 March please come along and show your support
reminder of City of London Transport and Planning Committee Meeting to discuss CoLPAI; GLERA position; update on Committee site visit; reminder to sign petition with quotes from signees.
15 MARCH Latest news on Golden Lane and some things to look forward to
Info on Barbican OpenFest weekend; link to Golden Lane EC1 youtube channel, music videos and documentary with Stephen Fry; news on upcoming Community Art and Craft Workshops; invitation to join the Golden Baggers on outing to Turn End home and gardens; invitation to opening of bird hide in Barbican Wildlife Gardens; update on Community Centre with photos of work in progress; date of next GLERA general meeting; invitation to join CoL Housing Users Group (HUB); link to City Streets survey.
2 MARCH Update on CoLPAI and The Denizen
Outcome of Islington Planning Committee meeting; news on decision to discontinue with judicial review of The Denizen; next GLERA meeting dates; poem by Ina McMillan written to commemorate GLE being shortlisted for Great Neighbourhood 2018.
28 FEBRUARY RCS / CoLPAI planning meeting tomorrow night please bring your support
Where and when to meet for Islington Planning Committee Meeting.
25 FEBRUARY GLERA Update including survey results
GLERA survey results; meet the committee – link to profiles; call out for tenants to join the committee; policing on the estate; a GLE resident’s proposals for Baltic Street; date of next GLERA meeting.
17 FEBRUARY Together we can stop The Denizen update from Save Golden Lane
Update on legal battle to force judicial review of the development; link to Crowd Justice, fundraising site; press coverage (itnNEWS and City Matters link); update on Spectres of Modernism fundraiser on behalf of the campaign.
6 FEBRUARY Important February 12 deadlines for Golden Lane Estate
Reminder of deadlines for proposed Conservation Area, CoLPAI and Community Centre Advisory Board; background on Conservation Area; update on CoLPAI; update on Community Centre, pictures of site, info on February site visit for residents; reminder of Cultural Mile public consultation deadline for comments.
6 JANUARY | Important January dates to get in your diary
Important January dates including Community Centre update and GLERA general meeting; update on demolition of Bernard Morgan House; link to comments lodged about the CoLPAI development proposals; news on Christmas Craft Market.
6 DECEMBER Golden Lane Estate Christmas Craft Fair Saturday 9 December 1.30-4.30 pm
Details of Christmas Craft Market; Community Centre update; other news – Mark Field MP visit to GLE.
26 NOVEMBER GLERA General Meeting – Tuesday evening RCS/COLPAI site, Community Centre update, Concrete Testing
Reminder of general meeting; update from GLERA leaseholder group and concerns about proposed concrete works; update on CoLPAI site – further extension to submit objections, video of alternative proposals; news on Community Centre – plans to recruit centre manager in conjunction with the City and details of first fund raiser – Christmas Craft Market.
14 NOVEMBER Golden Lane Estate – our Great Neighbourhood shortlisted for 2018 Urbanism Award
Academy of Urbanism – Golden Lane Estate shortlisted and awarded with it’s own poem by Ian McMillan; link to GLERA online survey and reminder of GLERA general meeting; reminder of deadline extension to submit objection to CoLPEI development and details of alternative schemes proposed by GLE residents including video.
6 NOVEMBER RCS proposed development – summary of new proposals Here’s our quick guide to the new proposals, and what you can do now
Summary of how new plans submitted by the CoL differ from original application. GLERA video disputing noise reported submitted as part of the planning application; reminder of seven main objections and links to planning portals.
5 NOVEMBER Keep up to date with Golden Lane Estate with our rebuilt website Golden Lane Estate newsletter Nov 2017
News on spruce up of website and round up of upcoming community events.
25 OCTOBER New chance to object to proposals affecting Golden Lane Estate
Outlines seven main objections to the proposed plans for the Richard Cloudesley School site. Information and links on how and where to lodge comments /objections with both City of London and Islington boroughs.