@ guildhall

The City of London elects 100 Councillors across 25 wards. Our ward, Cripplegate, has a high proportion of residents living mainly on the Golden Lane and Barbican Estates. The resident population is around 1,900 and Golden Lane Estate accounts for about a third. Cripplegate also takes in a few other residential blocks and a small community of businesses in addition to the world renowned Barbican Arts Centre and Guildhall School of Music and Drama.

Cripplegate has eight Councillors and one Alderwoman who all represent us at Guildhall, which is where the business of the elected assembly takes place. Click on names below to find out more about each Member and the committees they sit on.

NB our previous Alderwoman Sue Pearson took mandatory retirement in July and was succeeded by Councillor Liz King (there was no election as Liz’s nomination was not contested). Cripplegate is currently short one Councillor – we will update once we have news of a by-election.

Our Councillors host monthly surgeries, regular ward meetings and an annual wardmote. Check the events calendar for future (and past meetings).

@ the london assembly

Assembly Members, along with the Mayor of London, form the Greater London Authority. They are responsible for holding the Mayor of London to account by examining his decisions and actions to ensure he delivers on his promises to Londoners. They also champion Londoners’ concerns by investigating important issues and pressing for changes to national, Mayoral or local policy.

There are 25 London Assembly Members who are elected every four years at the same time as the Mayor; 14 represent a geographical constituency and 11 represent the whole capital (referred to as London-wide members). The City of London is part of the City and East constituency.

@ westminster

We are represented in Parliament by Rachel Blake, the Labour MP for Cities of London and Westminster. Click on her name below for details about her Parliamentary career, voting record, spoken contributions, written questions etc

Our previous representative was the Conservative MP Nickie Aiken (Dec 2019 – July 2024).