windows and associated works refurbishment project

The City of London Corporation is investing £29 million in the Golden Lane Estate to carry out repair works. In May 2023, members of its Community and Children’s Services Committee agreed the funding, which includes the refurbishment of windows, roofing, heating, ventilation, insulation, and redecoration works across all blocks on the housing estate.

The upgrades are part of the City Corporation’s Housing Major Works Programme, which includes the installation of new fire doors and sprinklers, with lighting, signage, and accessible routes upgraded.

The City Corporation is aware that climate action is required to counteract the impacts of a changing planet. The City of London Corporation is committed to reducing its contribution to the factors that cause climate change and adapting to the impact of a changing climate. As a result, our works on Golden Lane will deliver the highest standard, climate friendly refurbishments to the estate.

CoL Windows Project website

The windows project website has recently been updated (May 2024) with a view to making the site easier to navigate and information easier to find. There are two Resident Liaison Groups (RLG) – one for Crescent House, the other for the Wider Estate. Meeting summaries for both groups are on the website.

GLERA, RLGs and our local councillors have all called for more information as to the likely costs for leaseholders, with specific detail on the elements which are rechargeable. Based on the latest programme update (see below) GLERA will be asking to see the scope of works and schedule of costs as soon as they are available.

There is an active residents group in Crescent House, and the GLERA liaision is Gaby Robertshaw. If you live in Crescent House and would like to make contact with the group email and your email will be forwarded.

latest updates

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