Wardmotes are Ward meetings that are held annually in March. The main purpose of the meeting is to provide an opportunity for the Ward electorate to meet their Alder and Common Councillors and raise any questions with the Members that they may have.
It is also the time to put forward any Resolutions to the Court of Wardmote (usually held in June or July) which will then have to be answered by the relevant committee at Guildhall.
Find dates of all Wardmotes on the City of London website.
See below most recent Resolutions put forward by the electorate of the Ward of Cripplegate.
Crescent House Windows Project Recent Delays
The project to upgrade the entire Golden Lane Estate is complex and extensive. It is also seriously overdue and must not be subject to further unnecessary and avoidable delays.
With this in mind we ask the City of London Corporation to review the working practice, protocols and resources of the various departments involved in supporting the Major Works Team (including but not exclusively Procurement, Finance and Legal) so as to make the internal bureaucracies as smooth as possible.
The Ward mote resolves that officers investigate the reasons for delays incurred since the planning for Crescent House was granted in December last year; and from that report produce a critical path programme for delivery.
This programme should encompass all the milestones for internal approval processes, design and anticipated construction timetabling, not only of Crescent House but the programme for the whole of the estate, and that this report and programme be shared with residents not later than July 2024. Time is of the essence.
Crescent House Abatement for Leaseholders
The Wardmote requests that the Corporation of London immediately apply the abatement of 27% of structural repairs as set out in the leases of Crescent House, or provide a full argument why this should not be done.
Shopping Arcade under Crescent House
This Wardmote Requests that planners, surveyors and other City departments urgently seek agreement and funding to remove external shutters which attract graffiti; and prepare a programme of restoration of the street shopfronts and rear arcade, to make the arcade an attractive one again, where businesses can flourish as an important local amenity.
Public Toilets in the Square Mile
This Wardmote is concerned over the lack of constantly available public toilets in the Square Mile and calls upon City Corporation to provide an adequate number of constantly available public toilets to satisfy both the existing need and the ambition of Destination City.
Light Pollution in the City
This Wardmote resolves to request the Corporation of the City of London to fully implement its Considerate Lighting Charter in the Neighbourhood by:
i) measuring the baseline levels of pollution from artificial light at night in Aldersgate and Cripplegate;
ii) setting a target for reducing such light pollution within 12 months; and
iii) adequately resource and run a pilot project, with community involvement, to achieve the target.
Golden Lane Open Spaces
That the City of London Corporation commission a study, reporting in no more than one year, regarding pedestrian flows through the Golden Lane Estate (GLE) resulting from current and anticipated property developments in the vicinity of the GLE and consult with GLE residents regarding the current “private” status of the GLE as a result of which residents pay for the maintenance of areas of the GLE that are in practice open to the public.
Window Replacement Programme
This Wardmote deplores the shameful condition of the windows and other fabric of the Grade II Listed Golden Lane Estate and calls upon the City of London Corporation to undertake urgent action to remedy clear and obvious wants of repair, which have been evident since at least 2008. In particular the window replacement programme should be brought forward to commence in 6 months and to complete to a high standard within a further 18 months and not by 2021.